I’m almost ashamed to post this, because it is so easy, it’s barely cooking. I really love soups with sautéed veggies, but I can’t stand pre-made pumpkin or squash soup since they are always too sweet. I like my squash savory, not with added sugar. I have already shared my recipe for baked winter squash puréed with veggie broth and coconut milk, but I realized I had just used my last Kabocha squash. After muddling it over I realized that I had a can of organic pumpkin purée in the cupboard from ages ago when I was baking with it and I decided to experiment.

Easiest pumpkin soup (no blender required):
1. Sautée or roast chopped veggies (I used mushrooms and cauliflower)
2. Add garlic, ginger and desired spices until garlic is lightly browned (I used cumin and paprika), then set aside
3. Heat in the same pot:
1 can organic pumpkin purée
1/2 can light coconut milk
veggie broth or water to thin
4. Add spices (I used cinnamon, more cumin, black pepper and a dash of cayenne)
5. Add back in the veggies until heated through
6. Turn off the heat and squeeze in 1/4 lime wedge and sprinkle with chopped cilantro.
Even easier explanation:
1. Cook some veggies
2. Add canned pumpkin, light coconut milk and veggie broth in desired proportions (thin vs thick). Add spices to taste.
3. Top with what you like – lime juice, herbs and/or roasted nuts.
Another idea is to use powdered unsweetened coconut milk (I buy this to use at work) to make it even easier (like during your lunch break at the office!).